Home Physiotherapy Service
We also offer a Home Physiotherapy Service.
After having surgery, you may find difficulty performing activities of daily living or apprehensive to go outdoors initially. You may be concerned about moving around within your home or have a problem negotiating stairs.
Perhaps, you have sustained a neurological condition such as a stroke, spinal or brain injury, MS or Parkinson’s and are finding it difficult to move correctly and efficiently or have sustained a loss of movement.
A prolonged stay in hospital may have left you weak or stiff or unable to perform activities you were previously able to do.
We are ready to support you! Our top Physios have extensive experience in neurological, orthopaedics and home rehabilitation and will work with you towards all your functional objectives of daily life as well as complex outdoor activities.
EMAIL: info@vitality-physio.co.uk or CALL: 02071939928